Sunday, August 28, 2011

Himalaya Product

I recommend himalaya product to all of you out there.
especially if you have serious dandruff problem and dry skin. I'm now using this two product. walaweih, it just mujarab and effective!

I got used with rejoice, pantene, u name it, i got it!
But till then, Himalaya je yang sangat2 best and effective for my hair!

and also since i have dry skin di muka. so now i'm using dia punya Face Moisturizing Lotion. excuse me? boleh sebabkan jerawat? no no no not at all babes!

It is only moisturize your skin, and dia tak sebabkan muka berminyak.
serious yaww! ada 2 masalah ni, please la visit Himalaya store! ! !


Ready For RAYA 2011

Hey peeps!

For the first time i paint the living room!

but it is not nice either, consider acceptable je.
:B since tak boleh puasa, so. mungkin ni such a punishment. lol!
I tought this was heavier compared to lifting the dumbbell. omg.
perhaps equal to 10x with 12 repetition. seriously!

there is 1 more wall to go, i need to continue tomorrow.
cannot today, since i feel a bit hurt at my wrist. well i'm painting it alone, what do you expect? >.<

ergonomic issue ! ! >.<

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Hair

i keep this hair for almost 1year plus. And now i'm considering myself to cut it short like emma watson or malaysian VJ;Aishah Sinclair.

but, the hairstylo refused to do so, she said she can cry if she cut my hair.
and i was like; why?

she told me, it is very hard to find thick and black hair like mine.
(even not all say it is nice) but i myself just love it. toing toing. (:

Birthday Gift

i will turn to 27th this sept 19th.
and really hope to receive such good present that can make me smile from nose to ears.

i think i deserve it.
because for 5years i had been with someone.
but he never give me anything special on my birth-day.

not even once.

and this year i would celebrate myself.
in bed while reading some story book or even magazine.


Add Me and Be My Friend

if only you have a good heart.


egg puff! >.<

Thursday, August 25, 2011

raya 2011

it will be my first raya without any guy that i cinta.

tapi tak apa.
boleh saja hidup menyedut udara segar.
masih lagi bernafas.
bisa berdiri tegar.
boring sikitlah kan.


Sunday, August 21, 2011

tak reti, memang

memang saya tak reti.
nak bergaul bercampur.
kadang rasa kekok.
tapi saya cuba.

dari sekolah mmg ramai kawan.
sebab ramai juga yang kenal saya. (wah, apakah?)

cuma, saya lagi senang sorang-sorang.
kadang-kadang je saya berteman. sama ada 2 org, 3 org, 4 - belas belas orang.
tapi tak selalu. sangat jarang.

and saya sangat jarang ajak orang keluar melainkan orang yang saya rasa hati dia ikhlas.
ikhlas berkawan dengan saya, atau mungkin orang itu sama ada lelaki atau perempuan; adalah orang yang saya "sukalah kawan dengan minah/mamat ni, enjoy je rasa"

lain-lain, memang saya tak ajak.
sebab saya sensitif.
bilamana saya ajak, saya takut orang cakap: ala malasla aku; aku xde mood nak keluar; poket aku kopak la, xleh kua; or even: la, aku baru je pegi tempat tu lastweek.

ngeh!, sangat takut bila orang akan bagi jawapan sebegitu.lantas saya lebih suka; eh, rasa nak keluar pegi IOI mall la; deng! terus siap and terus keluar rumah.
ala, rasa nak pergi summit la; deng terus instant siap pergi summit.

bukan ape, kadang2 pernah terkeluar dengan kawan yang tak memahami. bilamana dia sudah jumpa barang yang dia mahu, menggeletik terus dan-dan ajak kite balik. kite dengan muka sopan terus: oh, m. oklah. sumpah itu kali terakhir aku ajak kau keluar and kali terakhir aku keluar dengan kau even kau ajak nak belanja whatsoever. teehee..

so, sampai satu tahap, da sangat terbiasa keluar sorang2 and mungkin dah tak perlukan teman, and even kalau pergi event@exhibition@majlis sorang2 pun ok jek.
selalu letak dalam kepala (ala, bukan orang kenal aku pun, ye dak) ngeh3..

and satu bende yang paling tegar, boleh je ok lepak mamak@kopitiam@gerai@restaurant sorang2. tapi bila ade mamat handsome sebelah tegur. euuwww, rasa mcm best je, tak gitu? cuma yang potong stim: alahai, kenapa kau x mintak no hp aku. wah, terus kau gatal ye?

tapi satu hal, silap besar la nak drive pergi midvalley sorang2. takkan berlaku unless amik komuter. shit sumpah takut sesat dalam midvall.

korang mesti ramai kawan kan? well, enjoy! tapi ingat, biarlah dalam pada mempunyai kawan, biarlah mereka mampu menjadi sahabat juga. kongsi suka duka bersama.

jangan bilamana ketawa saja nak sama, bila sedih, semua pecut 100m. tak elok lah.

peliharalah hubungan sahabat, pada saya sekali berkawan biarlah sampai ke akhirat.

till see next. xoxo from kak mona!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

yang saya doakan.

3 perkara.

1. semoga menjadi doa saya - malu nak cakap.
2. dapat new job, earn much more better. expand career, knowledge, and business relationship plus social network; between only good people - wish to happen in March 12'

3. A house to buy. - flat pun takpe. as long as it is belong to me; which means my name is printed on the S&P.

what's your wish list? i hope to be better than mine, don't you?

good luck all. xoxo.

my craziness list

not that crazy i think.
just a lil bit maybe.

a song performed by PINK - no i don't believe you.

come, let listen together!

Friday, August 12, 2011

nak menulis.

tapi rasa ape yang akan ditulis.
banyak orang misunderstanding.
pilih utk back off ajelah.

next time jom kita buat psl share idea pulak.
xmo posting yg jiwang2 dah.
i just need companion.
su ann is going back tomorrow.
so no more bff from now on.

i just need companion.
su ann is going back tomorrow.
so no more bff from now on.


Sunday, August 7, 2011

nak cuba diam,

mulai dari hari ini.


Saturday, August 6, 2011

keep your faith high baby !
- siapa tahu kalau-kalau ada rezeki, boleh melepaskan penat lelah di US.

- siapa tahu kan, kalau-kalau benar-benar rezeki, apa yang dihajati menjadi.

- tak siapa tahu, itu semua rahasia tuhan.

- kadang-kadang sentiasa aku pikir. tak guna punya sejuta kawan. kalau sejuta kawan tiada seorang pun mampu enjadi sahabat. benar kan?

- aku mahu sendiri, hati aku bukan punya siapa-siapa sekarang, kecuali milik Tuhan. mungkin saat-saat ianya akan terisi, tuhan berikan getar yang hebat.

oh btw Amalina.
yang kau jiwang sangat kenapa.
haish! tak tahu dowh!

kalau menulis, biasanya emosi mmg gini aja!


one day my dad called while i was at workplace.
he advice me to wakeup midnight and perform prayer.

indirectly, i understand that he really wants e to get married.
then i told him. of course i will pray for me and i hope that you can perform the prayer on my behalf also dad.

he said of course i pray all the time for you.

then suddenly today what happen is, i just paid the zakat fitrah late evening.

after came back from terawih i text him: salam bah, i already paid the zakat this petang.

he replied saying that. ok, dah jelas you paid for that. btw, i already perform qiamullai, sunat hajat etc for you.

Me: oh, terima kasih byk2. Hope o get married next year in January. I want someone take care of me. So you and mom less worries.

Father: Insyaallah, with God's will.

Me: Tq father and good night. sweet dream.

oh what the heck. the the emotion is in front of my head now.

Tuhan, sampaikah salam itu pada jodoh aku, datangkan dia dekat pada aku, aku mohon.

Friday, August 5, 2011

kelakar la rasakan.

sejak da single ni. hurm, hp pun susah je nak berdering ye?

kalau berdering, dapat sms, dapat call pun.
bukannya dari lelaki yang kita sayang cinta.

wah, apakah gitu kan.
nak wat cane.
ade la tu nanti kan kekasih hati.
tapi mmgla, xnak bercinta da.
dulu rasa cam rugi je, abis duit, masa, tenaga.

yela kan, bukan kuasa kita ye tak?

hopefully, after settle this tender job, boleh la dapat ganjaran apa2.

berdoa sangat2 supaya job ni award even for a small portion so that i also can be rewarded - still, if ada luck.

yeah, amin thou. insyaallah.

an ordinary top three

working, working, working.

what a good feeling to have someone that you can hug every morning once open up the eyes and at the moment lights off.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

why it just feel so hard to fall in love with new guy even they are so nice, caring whatsoever that good behavior one man should have.

uh fuck off because of you!
yes you!

that make me say no, i just do not want to be hurt for second time thou!
i keep myself busy with work.
i do not want to feel that lonely.
cause now i'm all alone.

stand on my feet on not rely to others.
and i hope that i will get a partner from heaven.

someone that i could share my sadness.happiness.
share my dream while we both sleeping.
share my smelly pillow while we are talking before fall asleep.

i hope that january become true.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

my advice for myself everyday before i come to work are as below:

please minimize error. please
if you are working, please not to submit RUBBISH.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Darf ich halte dich in meinen Armen, und wir schlafen zusammen, guten nacht alle
. . . ♥

ini tak, asik dengan bantal busyuk je.
aku rayu.
di kelam malam.
saat sujud-sujud yang masih berbaki.

bila nan mana airmata berlinangan.
tak sempat menahan getar.
aku bilang sama tuhan.

satu-persatu ayat yang datang dari hati.
dapat kurasakan.
memang malaikat menyambut doa-doa aku.
mana mungkin tercampak kelaut.
kerna ikhlasnya sekeping hati ini.
sehingga tuhan akur.

memakbulkan sebuah doa.
walaupun aku perempuan biasa.
yang bukan siapa-siapa.
tapi masih aku berbicara dengan hati suci.

antara roh aku dengan tuhan aku.
yang mana kamu ga pernah ambil tahu.

ya, benar.


x suke insomnia mlm ni.

tak tahu lah !

paksa-paksa tidur tak jugak lelap nya.

Monday, August 1, 2011

semalam kan,

hari pertama puasa.
so, i text father: 'selamat berpuasa bah'
and he kept silence.

so i guess he got no more credit.
and i just topup him some.
karang mesti sampai sms sounds like:

thank you for your topup, kindness and charity.

haha. paling takleh blah. thank you for your charity. hahahahahaha.

teringat masa dulu, kecil-kecil. tak tidur dengan abah, x sah. pastu kencing. kesian abah. basah lencun.

harap-harap, doa-doa, biarlah berpanjangan umur dia dan mother. boleh cium ketiak masam pun dah kira ok. kan?
the brain is jammed.

due to congested traffic i would say.